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is taking front and center on Life’s Stage. A born overcomer, Lavarious was determined to never let go of his dreams and to never lose his passion for the arts, despite enduring hardships and even failure. His dream truly took flight when Lavarious launched a company called Lavarious & Co. At the heart of this endeavor was his passion and determination to deliver the best theatrical and film productions that he could offer. And he did just that. His first big break came from his play “You Better Be Glad I’m Saved,” which was inspired by the tragic murder of Lavarious’s own cousin. This emotionally charged piece, which transcends race and religion, premiered in Orlando, Florida, in the summer of 2007. Staging the play cost him nearly everything, including his life’s savings, but the reward was a packed house and thousands of tickets being sold. From there, it wasn’t all smooth sailing, but Lavarious knew what he was capable of and refused to let his failures define his career. In 2010, Lavarious came back stronger than ever with his next original drama, “Love Unbreakable,” opening with an all celebrity cast and, once again, selling out the venue. At this point, it seemed like success was inevitable, and Lavarious traveled to Nicaragua to establish The Lavarious Slaughter Foundation. However, after a bad business venture, it seemed as though the spotlight had dimmed on his career and dream, and he was forced back into corporate America. Lavarious proved that he was a true fighter, though, making the biggest comeback in his career yet. In 2012, he made his mark in the world of television, starting with his own open mic show on cable networks such as DISH Network and Directv, eventually writing an original TV series that aired all over the world titled “Gals”. He relaunched his hit, “Love Unbreakable,” and then, in 2014, he went big, diving into Broadway with monster productions like DREAMGIRLS, ANNIE, THE BODAYGUARD, A RAISIN IN THE SUN, SISTER ACT, STEEL MAGNOLIAS and  MAHALIA JACKSON THE MUSICAL that opened to sold out crowds across the America and even crossed into Canada. It seemed that was all there was for Lavarious until he crossed over into inspirational and prophetic teachings including his new Directors and Producers masterclass which opened up in London, England.

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